January 2025

The NW summer school in 2025 is being held at the Manchester Metropolitan university from 12-15 August 2025.

An overview may be viewed/downloaded here (pdf) and further details are available on the north west region website at https://northwestregion.u3asite.uk

Wed 8th January – Mebs Ahmed Life Story (part 2)

It’s Time to Renew Your u3a Membership – (£9 per member)

Author, Andy Dickinson, Membership Secretary.

Annual subscriptions were due on 2nd January.  In order to ensure that the insurance cover provided by our affiliation to the Third Age Trust is not compromised, all membership subscriptions should be paid by 28th February 2025 at the latest.  Formby U3A now has to pay bank charges of 40p on each cheque we receive.  If you do pay your membership fees by cheque, we would be grateful if you could arrange to pay your 2025 fees by Standing Order or by Online Bank Transfer.

How to renew your membership

a) Standing Orders:  Thank you to those members who have already set up a Standing Order for their membership fees.  A standing order mandate is available in the Formby U3A website under the membership tab or can be requested from the Membership Secretary by e-mailing  membership@formbyu3a.org.uk   Forms can be collected at the Christmas Concert and coffee morning in December.  Please ensure that your membership number is on the mandate.

b) Online Bank Transfer:  The reference or description field of the payment MUST contain your membership number followed by your surname and initial.  If you do not know your membership number you should contact the Membership Secretary (as above).  Payment should be made to the following Formby U3A bank account:

Account name:  Formby U3A   Sort code:  40 21 20   Account number:  41365878

Membership Cards will be posted to those paying by Standing Order or Online Bank Transfer once your subscription has been received from your bank.

c) Cheque Payment:  We ask that all other renewals should be by cheque.  If paying by cheque please make your cheque payable to Formby U3A and write your membership number on the back.  (If you do not know your membership number, please write your name and address instead).

Payments can be made in person at the at the January and February Speakers Meetings and coffee mornings.  If you pay in person at these meetings, you can collect your card at the same time.

d) By Post:  Cheques should be posted to:  Membership Secretary, Formby U3A, PO Box 216, Liverpool L37 1XQ .  Please remember to enclose a stamped addressed envelope to receive your Membership Card.

PLEASE NOTE WE DO NOT ACCEPT CASH as payment for your membership renewal.

If you do not intend to renew your membership for 2025, please inform the membership Secretary by email membership@formbyu3a.org.uk or ringing 01704 643971.

Venues – (alternative meeting places – updated July 2024 – to view or print a copy (pdf) of the latest list please click here

The latest newsletter (DECEMBER) is now live on the website (here)


It is important that our membership record is accurate and up to date. Please ensure that changes to address, emails and telephone numbers are reported to the Membership Secretary as soon as possible. Many thanks

2025 / 26 Committee

Formby u3a Committee Members – 2025/26

Please consider joining the committee. If you are interested or would like to find out more please contact the Secretary, Evan secretary@formbyu3a.org.uk

What does being on the Committee involve ?

Formby u3a Committee meets on the first Monday of each month.  It also helpful if Committee Members can come to the monthly meetings and/or coffee mornings to meet existing and new members. During the year we usually organise a number of activities such as an Open Day, new members meetings and Group Leaders meetings  Again Committee Members will be involved in those.
Formby u3a Committee Members are Charity Trustees. Charity trustees are the people responsible for governing a charity and directing how it is managed and run. They have overall responsibility for overseeing and leading the charity, ensuring it is solvent and well-run. In particular Trustees are expected to know, follow and promote the Principles of the u3a movement at every opportunity. Trustees serve as volunteers and receive no payment other than out of pocket expenses. They must put the interests of their charity first, work together as a team and assume collective responsibility.


More Group activities are starting and have asked Group Leaders to keep us informed on the current position.

If you are interested in joining a particular Group we suggest you contact the Group Leader or one of the Co-ordinators to enquire about vacancies.  Groups secretary Graham Higley (groups@formbyu3a.org.uk) can also advise and will arrange to keep the Group entries on the website up to date as he gets information.  Please look at Groups News in the latest newsletter for more information

Recruitment of new members  It is essential that Formby u3a recruits new members in order to thrive and we hope they would take on some responsibilities from those who have been contributing for a considerable time.  We need new ideas for activities and Groups.  The Committee has set up a recruitment sub-committee and would welcome the involvement of members as we believe there is a wealth of knowledge, experience and contacts in Formby u3a that would be of benefit.  We intend to organise local advertising so please spread the word.

Group Leaders

There is a separate page for Group Leader information – please click here

Third Age Trust / University of the Third Age news, events and information. If you are not already registered on the National site then you will need to create an account to view the member only areas and offers and receive their newsletter. The Third Age Trust (TAT) website can be viewed by clicking here. To view and sign up to receive the National Newsletter direct, please click visit here . The Learning page gives a list of Subject Advisers and various learning opportunities and resources.  Please click here.

North West Region of U3As – This contains information on local news and initiatives. To access North West Region homepage please click here

Third Age Trust

The Third Age Trust website has news, information and information on online events. You will need to create an account to access the Advice page.  Please click here for the website

The Learning page gives a list of Subject Advisers and various learning opportunities and resources.  Please click here  https://www.u3a.org.uk/learning

The online Events page can be accessed here  https://www.u3a.org.uk/events  All events are free to members.

The Third Age Trust is using the National Newsletter to keep members informed. To view and sign up to receive the National Newsletter direct, please click visit here.

North West Region of U3As – This contains information on local news and initiatives. To access the North West Region homepage please click here